在「作者」檢索「G. K. Beale」找到 14 項檢索結果(按「日期」倒序顯示)
Revelation: A Shorter Commentary Paperback
G. K. Beale’s monumental New International Greek Te ...
HK$299 $315
God Dwells Among Us: Expanding Eden to the Ends of the Earth
The writers and chief actors of the Old Testament express ...
HK$148 $156
Handbook on the New Testament use of the Old Testament: exegesis and interpretation
This concise guide by a leading New Testament scholar hel ...
HK$237 $249
A New Testament Biblical Theology: The Unfolding of the Old Testament in the New
In this comprehensive exposition, a leading New Testament sc ...
HK$645 $679
Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament
Readers of the New Testament often encounter quotes or al ...
HK$599 $630
The Book of Revelation (The New International Greek Testament Commentary, NIGTC)
This commentary series is established on the presuppositi ...
HK$845 $889
John's Use of the Old Testament in Revelation
This Book Explores the variety of ways John contextually use ...
HK$347 $365
顧名思義,麥種聖經神學系列以聖經神學研究為焦點,選題範圍除聖經神學、舊約神學、與新約神學外,亦納入聖經不同 ...
HK$599 $630
新約引用舊約,向來是基督教關注的課題,因為它涉及神掌管歷史、漸進啟示、預表解經,以至基督身分與救恩的詮釋等問題。已 ...
HK$109 $115
新約聖經的讀者經常會遇到陌生或晦澀的舊約聖經引文或引喻。在這部著作中,畢爾和卡森召聚了一個卓越的學者團隊,對新約聖經中出 ...
HK$941 $990
新約引用舊約/Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testam ...
HK$941 $990