在「作者」檢索「Marva J. Dawn, Eugene H. Peterson」找到 15 項檢索結果(按「日期」倒序顯示)
Morning by Morning: Daily Meditations from the Writings of Marva J. Dawn
Marva Dawn is known throughout the world for her best-sel ...
HK$120 $126
The Unnecessary Pastor: Rediscovering the Call
Best-selling authors Eugene Peterson and Marva Dawn offer en ...
HK$247 $260
A Royal Waste of Time: The Splendor of Worshiping God and Being Church for the World
Following up on her best selling Reaching Out without Dum ...
HK$337 $355
Truly the Community: Romans 12 and How to Be the Church
Originally published in 1992 as The Hilarity of Community ...
HK$257 $270
To Walk and Not Faint: A Month of Meditations on Isaiah 40
Completely revised more than fifteen years after its first p ...
HK$154 $162
Reaching Out Without Dumbing Down: A Theology of Worship for This Urgent Time
Why do churches fight "worship wars"? Why do discu ...
HK$299 $315
Reaching Out Without Dumbing Down: A Theology of Worship for the Turn-of-the-Century Culture
Why do churches fight "worship wars"? Why do discu ...
HK$247 $260
Sexual Character: Beyond Technique to Intimacy
Aiming to combat the widespread confusion today regarding ...
HK$154 $162
Keeping the Sabbath Wholly: Ceasing, Resting, Embracing, Feasting
“But I don’t wanna go to church!” Marva ...
HK$227 $239
清晨復清晨,我們親近神,一天一句經文,一天一小篇文章,一天一句禱詞。我們對神的認識,在讀經中更臻堅實,我們的靈性,在默想 ...
HK$143 $151
著名神學家、作家、教育家唐慕華深信,我們在病患中仍可安然面對每一天的挑戰,在逆境中仍能找到出路。本書是她經過多年病患掙扎 ...
HK$114 $120
活在追求享樂與成功的社會,教會下一代陷於被娛樂及自戀文化侵蝕的危機,不再理會生命裡最深切的屬靈渴望。唐慕華勉勵教會要嚴正 ...
HK$86 $90
唐慕華為著名的神學家及教會音樂家,經常到不同教會講道和教學,體會各教會的崇拜文化。面對著當代有關崇拜的激烈爭論,她提出編 ...
HK$97 $102
科技環境正籠罩現代人的生活,使我們的生命受到束縛,失去盼望!由於富有的人不知道該重視甚麼,我們對所擁有的不感滿足,被驅使 ...
HK$76 $80
從來都知道要真正做好牧養工作絕非易事,有時為勢(教會、社會文化)所逼,牧者會放棄理想,甚或迷失方向。感謝主,本書兩 ...
HK$124 $130